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Quick Start

These sections provide an overview of optimizing a model, optimizing a pipeline, deploying a model for serving inference on PyTriton or the Triton Inference Server as well as using the Navigator Package. In each section, you will find links to learn more about the Triton Model Navigator features.

Optimize Pipeline

The Inplace Optimize feature of the Triton Model Navigator offers a PyTorch-specific solution that seamlessly substitutes nn.Module objects in your code with their enhanced models.

This process is centered around the nav.Module wrapper, which is used to decorate your pipeline models. It initiates the optimization across the entire pipeline when paired with the appropriate dataloader.

The Triton Model Navigator diligently audits the decorated modules, gathering essential metadata about the inputs and outputs. It then commences the optimization process, akin to that used for individual model optimization. Ultimately, it replaces the original model with its optimized version directly within the codebase.

The concept is built around the pipeline and dataloader:

  • pipeline - a Python object or callable with 1 or more wrapped models to optimize.
  • dataloader - a method or class generating input data. The data is utilized to perform export and conversion, as well as determine the maximum and minimum shapes of the model inputs and create output samples that are used during the optimization process.

The below code presents Stable Diffusion pipeline optimization. But first, before you run the example install the required packages:

pip install transformers diffusers torch

Then, initialize the pipeline and wrap the model components with nav.Module:

import model_navigator as nav
from transformers.modeling_outputs import BaseModelOutputWithPooling
from diffusers import DPMSolverMultistepScheduler, StableDiffusionPipeline

def get_pipeline():
    # Initialize Stable Diffusion pipeline and wrap modules for optimization
    pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1")
    pipe.scheduler = DPMSolverMultistepScheduler.from_config(pipe.scheduler.config)
    pipe ="cuda")

    pipe.text_encoder = nav.Module(
        output_mapping=lambda output: BaseModelOutputWithPooling(**output), # Mapping to convert output data to HuggingFace class
    pipe.unet = nav.Module(
    pipe.vae.decoder = nav.Module(

    return pipe

Prepare a simple dataloader:

def get_dataloader():
    # Please mind, the first element in tuple need to be a batch size
    return [(1, "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars")]

Execute model optimization:

pipe = get_pipeline()
dataloader = get_dataloader()

nav.optimize(pipe, dataloader)

Once the pipeline has been optimized, you can load explicit the most performant version of the modules executing:


At this point, you can simply use the original pipeline to generate prediction with optimized models directly in Python:"cuda")

images = pipe(["a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"])
image = images[0][0]"an_astronaut_riding_a_horse.png")

An example of how to serve a Stable Diffusion pipeline through PyTriton can be found here.

Optimize Model

Optimizing models using the Triton Model Navigator is as simple as calling the optimize function. The optimization process requires at least:

  • model - a Python object, callable, or file path with a model to optimize.
  • dataloader - a method or class generating input data. The data is utilized to perform export and conversion, as well as determine the maximum and minimum shapes of the model inputs and create output samples that are used during the optimization process.

Besides the model optimization, the Triton Model Navigator collects information about model shapes, their min and max ranges, validates the correctness of optimized formats, and improves hardware utilization through searching for maximal throughput on current hardware.

Here is an example of running optimize on the Torch Hub ResNet50 model:

import torch
import model_navigator as nav

# run optimization in the parent process only
package = nav.torch.optimize(
    model=torch.hub.load('NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples:torchhub', 'nvidia_resnet50', pretrained=True).eval(),
    dataloader=[torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256) for _ in range(10)],

Once the model has been optimized, the created artifacts are stored in navigator_workspace and a Package object is returned from the function. Read more about optimize in the documentation.

Deploy the model in PyTriton

The PyTriton can be used to serve inference of any optimized format. The Triton Model Navigator provides a dedicated PyTritonAdapter to retrieve the runner and other information required to bind a model for serving inference. The runner is an abstraction that connects the model checkpoint with its runtime, making the inference process more accessible and straightforward.

Following that, you can initialize the PyTriton server using the adapter information:

pytriton_adapter = nav.pytriton.PyTritonAdapter(package=package, strategy=nav.MaxThroughputStrategy())
runner = pytriton_adapter.runner


def infer_func(**inputs):
    return runner.infer(inputs)

with Triton() as triton:

Read more about deploying the model on PyTriton in the documentation.

Deploy model in Triton Inference Server

The optimized model can also be used for serving inference on the Triton Inference Server when the serialized format has been created. The Triton Model Navigator provides functionality to generate a model deployment configuration directly inside Triton model_repository. The following command will select the model format with the highest throughput and create the Triton deployment in the defined path to the model repository:


Once the entry is created, you can simply start Triton Inference Server, mounting the defined model_repository_path.

Read more about deploying the model on the Triton Inference Server in the documentation.

Using the Navigator Package

The Navigator Package is an artifact that can be produced at the end of the optimization process. The package is a simple zip file that contains the optimization details, model metadata. Serialized formats and can be saved using:

The package can be easily loaded on other machines and used to re-run the optimization process or profile the model. Read more about using the package in the documentation.

Profile any model or callable in Python

The Triton Model Navigator enhances models and pipelines and provides a uniform method for profiling any Python function, callable, or model. At present, our support is limited strictly to static batch profiling scenarios.

As an example, we will use a simple function that simply sleeps for 50 ms:

import time

def custom_fn(input_):
    # wait 50ms
    return input_

Let's provide a dataloader we will use for profiling:

# Tuple of batch size and data sample
dataloader = [(1, ["This is example input"])]

Finally, run the profiling of the function with the prepared dataloader:

nav.profile(custom_fn, dataloader)