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How it works?

The Model Navigator optimize process encompasses several crucial steps aimed at improving the performance of deep learning models and converting them into the most optimal formats. Model Navigator supports various frameworks, including TensorFlow 2, PyTorch, ONNX, and JAX.

To initiate the multi-step conversion and optimization process in Model Navigator, users only need to provide the model and dataloader. However, for further customization, additional parameters and custom_configs can be used to tailor the optimization process to specific requirements. The optimization process consists of the following steps:

  1. Model export: The source deep learning model, created using one of the supported frameworks, is exported to one of the intermediaries formats: TorchScript, SavedModel, ONNX.

  2. Model conversion: The exported model is then converted into a target representation with goal of achiving best possible performance, it includes: TorchTensorRT, TensorFlowTensorRT, ONNX, TensorRT.

  3. Correctness test: To ensure the correctness of the produced models, Model Navigator performs a series of correctness tests. These tests callculates absolute and relative tolerance values for source and converted models.

  4. Model profiling: Model Navigator conducts performance profiling of the converted models. This process uses Navigator Runners to perform inference and measure its time. The profiler aims to find the maximum throughput for each model and calculates its latency. This information can then be used to retrieve the best runners and provide you with performance details of the optimal configuration:

2023-04-27 14:24:46 INFO     Navigator:
Strategy: MaxThroughputStrategy
  Latency: 81.6086 [ms]
  Throughput: 1568.1343 [infer/sec]
  Runner: TensorRT
  Model: trt-fp16/model.plan
2023-04-27 14:24:46 INFO     Navigator:
Strategy: MinLatencyStrategy
  Latency: 3.2270 [ms]
  Throughput: 309.5315 [infer/sec]
  Runner: TensorRT
  Model: trt-fp16/model.plan
  1. Verification: Once the profiling is complete, Model Navigator performs verification tests to validate the metrics provided by the user in verify_func against all converted models.

  2. Inference deployment: Optimized models can be seamlessly deployed to PyTriton or Triton Inference Server. The Model Navigator offers convenient functionalities to assist in obtaining an inference runner that can be utilized as an inference callback for PyTriton, or for generating a model_repository for Triton Inference Server.

By going through the Optimize process with Model Navigator, deep learning models can be optimized and converted into the most suitable formats for deployment, with NVIDIA TensorRT often providing the optimal solution to achieve the best performance.

NVIDIA TensorRT can be used for applications deployed to the data center, as well as embedded and automotive environments. It powers key NVIDIA solutions such as NVIDIA TAO, NVIDIA DRIVE™, NVIDIA Clara™, and NVIDIA Jetpack™. TensorRT is also integrated with application-specific SDKs, such as NVIDIA DeepStream, NVIDIA Riva, NVIDIA Merlin™, NVIDIA Maxine™, NVIDIA Morpheus, and NVIDIA Broadcast Engine to provide developers with a unified path to deploy intelligent video analytics, speech AI, recommender systems, video conference, AI based cybersecurity, and streaming apps in production.

You can use those default TensorRT compute plans for your deployment to get very good performance for NVIDIA hardware.

You can also apply quantization for some selected models to get better performance like in HiFiGAN example. This model uses quantization aware training so accuracy is very good but many other models can use post-training quantization by just enabling INT8 flag in optimize function. It can reduce accuracy so you must validate quantized model in such case.

Model Navigator can build for your quantized model, when flag INT8 is used:

package = nav.torch.optimize(

The optimization is executed in Navigator workspace, which by default is navigator_workspace folder., path="pack_your_model.nav")

The function creates Navigator Package. It is a folder in ZIP file with model optimized for inference and optimization results and logs.

Navigator package contains: * navigator.log - detailed log from optimization. You can inspect it to find details about errors. * status.yaml - results in easy to parse form, which you can use to integrate Model Navigator in your automation tools. * tensors for inference validation - these are model_input and model_output folders, which provide data to verify model again at different inference solutions. * folders for converted and exported formats - these folders contain format logs and checkpoints for binary formats.

TensorRT is binary format so it can be just loaded by library without any included python source code. If you use INT8 precision flag, then trt-int8 folder is created, which contains model.plan file with quantized checkpoint for TensorRT.

Navigator package can be used to obtain runner and configuration for PyTriton:

pytriton_adapter = nav.pytriton.PyTritonAdapter(package=package, strategy=nav.MaxThroughputStrategy())

runner = pytriton_adapter.runner

config = pytriton_adapter.config

or to generate model_repository for Triton Inference Server:
