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Specialized Configs for Triton Backends

The Python API provides specialized configuration classes that help provide only available options for the given type of model.

model_navigator.api.triton.ONNXModelConfig dataclass

Bases: BaseSpecializedModelConfig

Specialized model config for ONNX backend supported model.


Name Type Description Default
platform Optional[Platform]

Override backend parameter with platform. Possible options: Platform.ONNXRuntimeONNX

optimization Optional[ONNXOptimization]

Possible optimization for ONNX models


backend: Backend property

Define backend value for config.


Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if self.optimization and not isinstance(self.optimization, ONNXOptimization):
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("Unsupported optimization type provided.")

    if self.platform and self.platform != Platform.ONNXRuntimeONNX:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError(f"Unsupported platform provided. Use: {Platform.ONNXRuntimeONNX}.")

model_navigator.api.triton.ONNXOptimization dataclass

ONNX possible optimizations.


Name Type Description Default
accelerator Union[OpenVINOAccelerator, TensorRTAccelerator]

Execution accelerator for model



Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if self.accelerator and type(self.accelerator) not in [OpenVINOAccelerator, TensorRTAccelerator]:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("Unsupported optimization type provided.")

model_navigator.api.triton.PythonModelConfig dataclass

Bases: BaseSpecializedModelConfig

Specialized model config for Python backend supported model.


Name Type Description Default
inputs Sequence[InputTensorSpec]

Required definition of model inputs

dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda : [])
outputs Sequence[OutputTensorSpec]

Required definition of model outputs

dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda : [])

backend: Backend property

Define backend value for config.


Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    assert len(self.inputs) > 0, "Model inputs definition is required for Python backend."
    assert len(self.outputs) > 0, "Model outputs definition is required for Python backend."

model_navigator.api.triton.PyTorchModelConfig dataclass

Bases: BaseSpecializedModelConfig

Specialized model config for PyTorch backend supported model.


Name Type Description Default
platform Optional[Platform]

Override backend parameter with platform. Possible options: Platform.PyTorchLibtorch

inputs Sequence[InputTensorSpec]

Required definition of model inputs

dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda : [])
outputs Sequence[OutputTensorSpec]

Required definition of model outputs

dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda : [])

backend: Backend property

Define backend value for config.


Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    assert len(self.inputs) > 0, "Model inputs definition is required for PyTorch backend."
    assert len(self.outputs) > 0, "Model outputs definition is required for PyTorch backend."

    if self.platform and self.platform != Platform.PyTorchLibtorch:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError(f"Unsupported platform provided. Use: {Platform.PyTorchLibtorch}.")

model_navigator.api.triton.TensorFlowModelConfig dataclass

Bases: BaseSpecializedModelConfig

Specialized model config for TensorFlow backend supported model.


Name Type Description Default
platform Optional[Platform]

Override backend parameter with platform. Possible options: Platform.TensorFlowSavedModel, Platform.TensorFlowGraphDef

optimization Optional[TensorFlowOptimization]

Possible optimization for TensorFlow models


backend: Backend property

Define backend value for config.


Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if self.optimization and not isinstance(self.optimization, TensorFlowOptimization):
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("Unsupported optimization type provided.")

    platforms = [Platform.TensorFlowSavedModel, Platform.TensorFlowGraphDef]
    if self.platform and self.platform not in platforms:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError(f"Unsupported platform provided. Use one of: {platforms}")

model_navigator.api.triton.TensorFlowOptimization dataclass

TensorFlow possible optimizations.


Name Type Description Default
accelerator Union[AutoMixedPrecisionAccelerator, GPUIOAccelerator, TensorRTAccelerator]

Execution accelerator for model



Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if self.accelerator and type(self.accelerator) not in [
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("Unsupported optimization type provided.")

model_navigator.api.triton.TensorRTModelConfig dataclass

Bases: BaseSpecializedModelConfig

Specialized model config for TensorRT platform supported model.


Name Type Description Default
platform Optional[Platform]

Override backend parameter with platform. Possible options: Platform.TensorRTPlan

optimization Optional[TensorRTOptimization]

Possible optimization for TensorRT models


backend: Backend property

Define backend value for config.


Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if self.optimization and not isinstance(self.optimization, TensorRTOptimization):
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("Unsupported optimization type provided.")

    if self.platform and self.platform != Platform.TensorRTPlan:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError(f"Unsupported platform provided. Use: {Platform.TensorRTPlan}.")

model_navigator.api.triton.TensorRTOptimization dataclass

TensorRT possible optimizations.


Name Type Description Default
cuda_graphs bool

Use CUDA graphs API to capture model operations and execute them more efficiently.

gather_kernel_buffer_threshold Optional[int]

The backend may use a gather kernel to gather input data if the device has direct access to the source buffer and the destination buffer.

eager_batching bool

Start preparing the next batch before the model instance is ready for the next inference.



Validate the configuration for early error handling.

Source code in model_navigator/triton/specialized_configs/
def __post_init__(self):
    """Validate the configuration for early error handling."""
    if not self.cuda_graphs and not self.gather_kernel_buffer_threshold and not self.eager_batching:
        raise ModelNavigatorWrongParameterError("At least one of the optimization options should be enabled.")